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Home BLOGGING How to Start a WordPress Website in 15 Minutes: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide with Namecheap (2023)

How to Start a WordPress Website in 15 Minutes: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide with Namecheap (2023)

How to start a wordpress site with namecheap

Are you eager to establish your online presence and create a stunning website? Look no further! In this comprehensive step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up a WordPress website using Bluehost. Not only will we make it easy for you, but we’ll also ensure that your site is SEO friendly and optimized for search engine rankings. So let’s dive right in!

This step-by-step guide will walk you through the entire process, complete with helpful screenshots.

Why Choose WordPress for Your Website

When it comes to creating a website, WordPress is the go-to platform for many good reasons. Here’s why you should choose WordPress and how it can benefit your website from an SEO perspective.

  • User-Friendly and Intuitive: One of the main advantages of using WordPress is its user-friendly interface. Even if you’re not tech-savvy, you can easily navigate through the platform and manage your website content without any coding knowledge.
  • SEO-Optimized Structure: WordPress has a built-in structure that is inherently search engine friendly. It generates clean URLs, allows customization of meta tags, enables easy management of headings and image alt text, which are all crucial elements for optimizing your site’s visibility in search engine rankings.
  • Responsive Design: With mobile usage on the rise, having a responsive website design is essential for both user experience and SEO performance. Luckily, most themes available on WordPress are designed to be mobile-friendly out-of-the-box or offer responsive options.
  • Vast Plugin Ecosystem: Plugins extend the functionality of your website without requiring complex coding skills. There are numerous plugins available specifically designed to enhance SEO aspects such as Yoast SEO or RankMath that help optimize page titles, meta descriptions, XML sitemaps creation & more.
  • Fast Loading Speeds: Page loading speed plays a significant role in both user experience and search engine rankings. Fortunately, with various caching plugins like WP Super Cache or LiteSpeed Cache available on directory; improving loading times becomes easier than ever before.
  • Regular Updates & Security Features: As one of the most popular CMS platforms globally, WordPress regularly releases updates to improve security measures against vulnerabilities or malware attacks—ensuring that your site remains secure while adhering to industry standards.

How to Create a WordPress Blog: What you’ll need

Starting a blog is an exciting endeavor that opens doors to new opportunities. While the process of creating a WordPress blog is straightforward, having a comprehensive understanding of the steps involved is crucial to ensure a smooth and successful journey. In this you will need a Domain Name: Choose a unique and memorable domain name that represents your blog’s topic or brand. You can purchase a domain name from various registrars like GoDaddy or Name cheap but in this we will use Name cheap.

NameCheap offers affordable, high-speed, dependable hosting with an impressive 99% uptime guarantee. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional, NameCheap is the ideal choice for your hosting needs. One of the standout features of NameCheap is its incredibly budget-friendly pricing options.

So If you’re planning to launch an affordable blog in 2023 using the WordPress platform, NameCheap is here to support you every step of the way.

Step 1. Finding Blog Niche

When embarking on the journey of creating a blog or website, it is crucial to conduct thorough niche research. Discovering a passion-driven topic will enable you to produce engaging content that resonates with your audience. Prioritize writing about subjects where you possess expertise or have a genuine interest in expanding your knowledge base.

When seeking advice on selecting a niche for your blog, experts often emphasize the following key points:

  • Choose an Enjoyable Topic: Opt for a topic that genuinely interests you as this will increase your chances of long-term commitment. Ensure you possess knowledge about the chosen subject or have a strong desire to learn and explore it.
  • Conduct Thorough Research: Perform market research to assess the profitability of your intended blog topic. Determine its size and longevity by evaluating its popularity and growth potential in the long run.
  • Opt for a Niche with Less Competition: Avoid the common mistake made by beginners who enter saturated markets where significant players already dominate. Instead, consider choosing a smaller niche where competition is minimal or non-existent. By becoming a pioneer in such niches, you can establish yourself as a market leader before others seize the opportunity.

In my opinion, if financial constraints limit your investment capabilities, venturing into an untapped niche can be particularly advantageous. This allows you to position yourself as an authority in the market without facing intense competition from established players.

After identifying the perfect niche for your blog, it’s time to focus on crafting high-quality content that truly benefits your readers. Maintaining consistency is key – adhere to a well-defined schedule and continue delivering valuable articles or posts. By doing so, you’ll not only engage your audience but also establish yourself as a reliable source of information in your chosen field.

Step 2. Buy NameCheap Domain and Hosting

Moving on to Step 2, which plays a crucial role in kickstarting your blog on NameCheap. This is the moment where you will acquire your domain and hosting.

What can you expect from NameCheap Hosting? When purchasing web hosting and a domain name together, you’ll enjoy a host of complimentary features, including:

  • WhoisGuard: A valuable safeguard against potential spam and identity theft.
  • SSL Certificates: With over 50 SSL certificates available, your website receives enhanced protection.
  • Website Builder: Take advantage of their impressive collection of free page builders offering more than 200 design templates.
  • Email Service: Establish your brand’s presence with a free email account that enables effective communication with the world.
Name cheap hosting

Great! By clicking on our discounted link, you will be redirected to the designated page. Once there, simply click on the “Get Started” button to proceed to the hosting package selection page. From this page, you can easily choose the desired package and add it to your cart.

Namecheap plan

The next page showcases three shared hosting bundles: Stellar, Stellar Plus, and Stellar Business.

Select the package that aligns with your requirements. For optimal value, I suggest considering the Stellar Plus plan priced at $29.28/year, complete with Auto Backup Tools.

However, if budget is a concern, the Stellar package at only $17.28/year is a viable choice. Additionally, remember to review the assortment of top-level domains (TLDs) available with each plan based on your needs.

Moving forward, it’s time to select your primary domain name that will be linked to your hosting. Take this opportunity to choose the domain name that best aligns with your preferences and ideas.

Confirm your package in order to proceed with your selected package, add both to your shopping cart. Now click on the Add to Cart Button.

Now, carefully review the order summary box to proceed to the Subtotals page. Ensure that both the chosen domain name and hosting package are accurately displayed on this page.

If everything appears as desired and meets your requirements, you can confidently confirm your order and proceed with the next steps.

Once you have confirmed your order, you will need to log into your existing account or create a new one (if you don’t have one yet) in order to proceed with the checkout process.

Select the necessary options based on your specific requirements and then proceed to checkout. Upon completion of this process, an email will be sent to you containing important information such as your cPanel login details.

Step 3. Install WordPress on NameCheap

You have two options for installing WordPress: manual installation or using the NameCheap hosting platform.

If you choose to install it via NameCheap, the process is simpler than you might expect. Just follow these steps:

Step 1: Log into cPanel:

Upon purchasing NameCheap shared hosting, you will receive a specific URL to access your cPanel. The cPanel serves as your main control panel, functioning as a separate account specifically designed for managing and uploading your entire website. To access the cPanel, simply visit your Namecheap dashboard and click on the “Go to cPanel” button.

Step 2: Locate the Softaculous Apps Installer:

Once you have successfully logged into your cPanel, you will find yourself on the cPanel home screen. The next step is to locate the Softaculous Apps Installer, which allows for seamless installation of WordPress. To find it, simply enter “Softaculous Apps Installer” in the search bar and open the corresponding result.

Step 3: Select WordPress:

Select WordPress from the Softaculous Apps Installer menu. Just click on the install buttons and it will take you to the WordPress installation page.

Step 4: Begin the WordPress Installation Process:

Now begin with the process of WordPress installations. Let’s Figure out each section individually.

#1. Software Setup:

  • Choose Protocol: The protocol selection determines the URL address of your website. If your site has SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) enabled, you will need to choose an option that begins with “HTTPS://”. Alternatively, if SSL is not implemented, select one of the options starting with “HTTP://”.
  • Rest assured that NameCheap hosting offers over 50 SSL certificates for the first year, so you can easily secure your website.
  • Choose Domain: In this section, you must specify the domain name on which you want to install WordPress. If you have multiple domains associated with the same host, select the desired domain from the available options. Otherwise, by default, choose the hosting package’s primary domain.
  • In Directory: It is highly recommended to leave this field blank as it is.

#2. Site Settings

Site Name: Basically, here you can select the name of your website. For example, for this website, my website name is “PassiveBlogger”.

Site Description: It allows you to add more details about your site. Try to keep your site description in short sentences. If you don’t want to select it now, you can select it later.

#3. Admin Account

In this Admin account section, you have to set up your Username, Password, & Email in order to log in to your site. Select the password and username very consciously. These are your ultimate login details.

#4. Choose Language

Select Language is totally Self-explanatory.

#5. Select Plugins

Basically, these options are completely up to your personal preference. My recommendations are left as it is by default.

#6. Advanced Options

Advanced options offer additional settings, such as the ability to disable update notifications. Within this section, you can customize upgrade options, backups, and more.

However, I strongly advise leaving these sections untouched. The default settings provided are typically sufficient for your website’s needs.

#7. Select Theme & Install

Finalize the WordPress Installation: You have reached the final stage of the WordPress installation process. At this point, you have the option to select a WordPress theme (optional) and provide an email address to receive important information. Once you’ve made your selections, click on the “Install” button.

Please note that it may take a few seconds for the installation process to be completed.

Step 5: Log into WordPress

Congratulations! Hopefully if assuming everything is the right way, then you have installed WordPress successfully. 

Now, let’s discuss how to log in to your WordPress website. By default, the login address for a WordPress site is typically

To access the login page, simply replace “” with your actual domain name. For example, if my domain is, I would visit Once you have entered the correct URL, proceed to log in to your WordPress website.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed WordPress. The process was incredibly straightforward and hassle-free, wasn’t it?

Step 4. Install WordPress Theme

Install a WordPress Theme Installing WordPress themes on NameCheap is just as simple as installing WordPress itself.

When setting up your blog on NameCheap, it’s important to carefully consider the type of theme you want to use. You have the option to choose between free or premium themes, depending on your budget and overall plans for your blog.

These are the basic steps for WordPress themes Installations:
1. Install Free themes:
  • Log in to your WordPress Dashboard
  • Click Appearance and select Themes
  • To add a theme, click Add New.
  • Find the theme you want to install
  • Once installed, click the Activate link.

You’re all set in free theme installations, now go and preview your site to see how it looks

Step 5. Install Plugins

Indeed, plugins play a vital role in enhancing the awesomeness of a WordPress blog. Once you have installed your desired WordPress theme, you might find yourself wondering how to go about installing WordPress plugins.

  • Log in to Admin Dashboard
  • Navigate to the Plugins menu
  • Click on Add new
  • In the search bar, type the plugin name you wish to install
  • Click Install
  • Activate the Plugins

Step 6. Plan for Your Blog

Consider treating your blog as a business that requires strategic plans for growth. These plans serve as a roadmap outlining your blogging aspirations and strategies.

To embark on a successful blogging journey, it is essential to follow these steps:

  • Define Your Vision: Never lose sight of why you created your blog in the first place. Every blogger should have a clear vision for their dream blog; unfortunately, many start without proper planning and end up quitting prematurely. Take the time to envision where you want your blog to be in the long run. What are your goals? How do you envision its future?

Create a mission statement that articulates the desired accomplishments and success you hope to achieve through blogging. This statement will act as your guiding star, providing direction, inspiration, and even courage during challenging times on the path towards success.

  • Establish a Consistent Schedule: To maintain readership and engagement, it is crucial for a blogging website to follow a regular schedule or frequency of posting. Create a plan outlining the number of posts you intend to publish per week or month.

I recommend updating your blog on a consistent basis, aiming for at least 4 to 6 blog posts per month.

  • Develop Content Plans: Creating content regularly can be demanding. Conduct thorough keyword research to ensure that each piece of content is optimized before publishing.

In summary, without proper planning, your blog will struggle to achieve the success you envisioned during its early days.


In conclusion, we have reached the end of our comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to start a blog using NameCheap. I trust that this guide has provided you with valuable insights and instructions for setting up your own blog using NameCheap hosting.

For beginners operating on a limited budget, I highly recommend considering NameCheap as your hosting provider. It offers affordable options without compromising quality or performance.

In particular, the Stellar Plus plan is an excellent choice for novice bloggers. It provides robust features at a reasonable cost, ensuring that it aligns well with your budgetary considerations.

If you are seeking affordable shared hosting options, you can kickstart your blogging journey for less than $30.

Despite the budget-friendly price point, the performance is equally impressive, with a response time as low as 250 ms. This ensures a smooth and efficient experience for your blog visitors. I have no doubt that NameCheap hosting will provide you with an excellent platform to launch your blogging career.

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